Distinguished Young Scholars (Overseas) 

Harbin Engineering University sincerely invites you to join!


In order to attract and encourage distinguished young overseas scholars(including non-Chinese foreign talents) who have achieved good accomplishment in natural science and engineering technology, etc.,to return to China and carry out innovative research in their own choice of research direction,cultivate a number of outstanding academic backbones who are expected to reach the frontier of science and technology in the world, the National Natural Science Foundation of China has established the Science Fund Program for Distinguished Young Scholars of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Overseas).


(1) Complying with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good scientific ethics, consciously practice the spirit of scientists of the new era;

(2) Born afterJanuary1, 1982;

(3) Having adoctorate degree;

(4) Theresearch mainly focuses on natural sciences, engineering technology, etc.;

(5) Before April 15th, generally obtaining formal teaching or scientific research positions in overseas universities, scientific research institutions, or corporate R&D institutions, and having worked for more than 36 consecutive months;for those who have obtained adoctorate degreeo verseas with outstanding performance, the requirements for working years can be lowered appropriately;

(6) Having obtained scientific research or technical achievements recognized by peer experts, and having the potential to become academic leaders or outstanding talents in corresponding field;

(7) The applicant who has not yet returned (or come) to work in China full-time, or returned (or came) to work in China after January 1, 2021 must resign from work abroad upon notification of funding or have no job overseas and guarantee no less than 3 years of full-time work in China.


During the supporting period of the national science and technology talent plan at the same level, only one item can be undertaken, and no application of reverse level is allowed.

Related Benefits

1. The state provides 1-3 million yuan of financial support for a period of 3 years;

2. The establishment of academic teams is supported;

3. "Heilongjiang Provincial High level Talent Service Card" is provided, and preferential treatment policies in 12 aspects, such as settlement, entry and exit, medical care and travel will be offered;

4. Short-term housing will be provided;

5. Children with high-quality educational resources from kindergarten to junior high school will be provided;

6. The workplace can be selected among Harbin, Qingdao and Yantai, all of which will offer special benefits for the introduced high-level local talents;

For particularly excellent talents, in addition to the above benefits, they can enjoy the following benefits, after the evaluation of the university;

(1) Talents will bedirectly evaluated as a professor or researcher; the qualification of doctoral supervisor will be granted and the enrollment quota of doctoral students will be ensured;

(2) Talents will be [provided annual salary of no less than 550,000 yuan, social insurance and housing fund;

(3) The one-time living allowance shall not be less than 300,000 yuan;

(4) One to one supporting scientific research start-up funds with the state will be provided.


Notes to Application


1. Eligible applicants can log in to the information system after February 15, 2022 according to the requirements of the program guidelines and fill out the Application Form for Science Fund Program for Distinguished Young Scholars of the National Natural Science Foundationof China(Overseas) (hereinafter referred to as the application Form) online. The applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity of the application materials submitted;

2. Program application deadline: April 15, 2022;

Application Materials

Please send theresume to the contact email address of each college or school and a copy to the email address of the staff of College of Science and Technology: xiaojing@hrbeu.edu.cn with the subject line of "2022 Distinguished Young Scholars(Overseas)".


Contact Information

College of Science and Technology of Harbin Engineering University

Contact: ZHONG Chongna

Contact number: +86-13946056795

Email: zhongchongna@hrbeu.edu.cn

Human Resource Office, Harbin Engineering University

Contact person: ZHANG Zhonghao

Contact number: +86-18945056231

Email: zhangzhonghao@hrbeu.edu.cn


Contact of Colleges & Schools




College of Shipbuilding Engineering

SUN Longquan


College of Aerospace and Civil Engineering

YANG Zailin


College of Power and Energy Engineering



College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering



College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering



College of Computer Science and Technology



College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

LI Jinghua


College of Information and Communication Engineering



College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering



College of Mathematical Sciences

SHEN Jihong


College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering

SHI Jinhui


College of Nuclear Science and Technology

SONG Yushou


Qingdao Innovation and Development Base

GUO Chunyu


Yantai Research Institute

MA Fuqiu
