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Professor Xia Guihua, and alumnus Ye Cong both, win the Science and Technology Award of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation.

DATEFebruary 21, 2023

On February 17, 2021 and 2022, the Annual Award Conference of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation was held in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Professor Xia Guihua, and the alumnus Ye Cong of Harbin Engineering University, won the Science and Technology Progress Award and Innovation Award of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation in 2021 and 2022 respectively. This time, 112 outstanding scientific and technological workers won the awards.

Professor Xia Guihua is a pioneer in the field of ship digital and intelligent control technology in China. He has achieved a number of groundbreaking research results and won 13 national and provincial science and technology progress awards, including 1 second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award and 4 first prizes of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Progress Award; He has been granted 35 invention patents, obtained 13 software copyrights and published 57 papers in the past five years.

Ye Cong, a 1997 alumnus of HEU, has engaged himself in the research, design and development of manned submersibles for a long time. He has served as the chief designer and chief diver of China's first manned submersible "Jiaolong", the deputy chief designer of China's second manned submersible "Deep Sea Warrior", and the chief designer of the "Endeavor" all-sea deep manned submersible. He has participated in and witnessed the whole process of China's manned submersible development.

The Science and Technology Progress Award of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation is awarded to 66 outstanding scientific and technological workers who have made major scientific discoveries or made outstanding contributions in the fields of mathematical mechanics, life science, engineering technology, etc.