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Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, XU Qing, Engages in Exchange and Discussion During Visit to HEU

DATESeptember 1, 2023

On August 26th, the Hanjiang Laboratory Seminar and the ceremony for presenting a ship model as a gift were convened in the VIP meeting room at the Qihang Activity Center. Both the symposium and the ship model presentation took place in the Qihang VIP Conference Room within the Hanjiang Laboratory premises. GAO Yan, Secretary of the University Party Committee, and YANG Desen, an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor at the College of Underwater Acoustics Engineering, were present at the symposium. Vice President YIN Jingwei presided over the meeting.


XU Qing presented an overview of the collaborative progress between Hanjiang Laboratory and the university throughout the past year. He engaged in discussions with attendees about various facets such as scientific research, nurturing talent, and academic exchanges. He emphasized the harmonious alignment between Harbin Engineering University's research strengths and the endeavors of Hanjiang Laboratory, highlighting the considerable advantages of their partnership. He expressed the aspiration for both parties to be steered by major objectives, effectively leveraging the benefits stemming from the laboratory's core, base, and network construct. This collaboration aims to collectively enhance the development of Hanjiang Laboratory, effectively contributing to the realization of national strategic goals.


GAO Yan expressed gratitude for the strong support that Hanjiang Laboratory has given to the university. He stated that the university will fully leverage its disciplinary strengths in the fields of underwater acoustics, ships, power, materials, and communication, actively participate in the construction of the laboratory, explore advanced experiences in institutional mechanisms, talent cultivation, and management models of national laboratories, gather excellent strategic resources, carry out joint scientific and technological research, and serve the new national system.


YANG Desen pointed out that Hanjiang Laboratory is a strategic and innovative layout implemented by the country in a new historical period. He hoped that the university's expertise in the field of underwater acoustics can further cooperate with Hanjiang Laboratory to provide new technologies for national development and better serve the strategic needs of the country.

Representatives from Hanjiang Laboratory, the Research Institute of the University, and relevant departments attended the ceremony.