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Inauguration of the Alumni Enterprise Achievement Cloud Exhibition Hall at Harbin Engineering University

DATESeptember 4, 2023

On August 28th, the inauguration ceremony for the "Engineering Intelligence" Alumni Enterprise Achievement Cloud Exhibition Hall at Harbin Engineering University occurred in the Sunshine Hall of the School's Sailing Activity Center. Vice President Han Duanfeng was present, along with various school departments, colleges, and over 100 alumni enterprises from both domestic and international locations participating in this event.

Han Duanfeng emphasized that over an extended period, the alumni association has dedicated itself to supporting the lifelong development of its alumni. This commitment has consisted of three key aspects:



Firstly, the aim has been to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment within the alumni association, where most alumni can feel a sense of belonging and identify with the alumni community.

Secondly, the focus has been on fostering the personal and professional growth of alumni, aiding in their life and career development.

Lastly, the alumni association has strived to contribute to the advancement of both the alma mater and its alumni.


The "Engineering, Learning, and Intelligent Manufacturing" Alumni Enterprise Achievement Cloud Exhibition Hall at Harbin Engineering University is a versatile platform established by our institution. It serves various purposes, including publicity, showcasing, communication, collaboration, online procurement, and technology education. This platform effectively bridges the gap between the university and enterprises, creating valuable communication channels for alumni businesses, faculty research, and community engagement.

Additionally, it acts as a conduit for entrepreneurial interactions and support between domestic and international alumni entrepreneurs, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship that promotes alumni growth, contributes to the development of the university, and advances societal progress. Currently, the cloud pavilion hosts over 150 alumni enterprises spanning more than 30 different industries.