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Training Class for Outstanding Engineers from China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited Held at HEU

DATESeptember 8, 2023

From August 31st to September 1st, a two-day "Nursery Training" class conducted by China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited (CSSC) took place at HEU. The opening ceremony was attended by XIAO Qian, Deputy Director of the Human Resources Department of CSSC, and YAN Rujian, Vice President of HEU.


This training program, organized by CSSC and hosted by Harbin Engineering University, brought together 86 students from Harbin Engineering University, Harbin Institute of Technology, and Dalian University of Technology. The opening ceremony was attended by leaders, project chief engineers, experts, and alumni from CSSC's Human Resources Department and its 12 member units.


YAN Rujian, representing HEU, extended a warm welcome to the leaders, experts, and students participating in the training class. He expressed sincere gratitude to CSSC for its continuous support and assistance in HEU's development and construction. YAN Rujian emphasized that this training class plays a pivotal role in deepening the collaboration between HEU and CSSC, particularly in advancing the joint reform of engineering master's and doctoral programs and strengthening the development of national strategic talent resources.


The Training Class was officially inaugurated with the joint unveiling by XIAO Qian, YAN Rujian, XIAO Kun, and relevant officials from HEU's Graduate School.