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Yantai Research Institute Presents a Gift for HEU's 70th Anniversary

DATESeptember 8, 2023

On September 1st, a large gathering of teachers, students, and faculty members from the Yantai Research Institute came together to pay their highest tribute to HEU through a series of enriching cultural activities, celebrating HEU's 70th anniversary.

At 7:30 in the morning, the sun shone brightly, creating a vibrant atmosphere at the Yantai Research Institute. On the Yuehai Stadium, accompanied by the solemn national anthem and school song, the bright five-star red flag and school flag were slowly hoisted.

Representing the new teachers, YANG Wenxiu conveyed the most sincere wishes for HEU's 70th anniversary.

At noon, around 11:30, LI Shengping, the Secretary of the Party Committee, along with two students who shared their birthday with HEU, cut and distributed a celebratory cake to teachers, students, and faculty members. In this warm and festive environment, everyone felt the excitement and joy of celebrating HEU's 70th anniversary. They also expressed their hope to contribute to the continued growth and prosperity of HEU, making its "cake" of development bigger and more beautiful.