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Zhu Xiumei, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Human Resources and Education of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, visited Harbin Engineering University for an exchange and discussion

DATESeptember 7, 2023

On September 1st, Zhu Xiumei, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Human Education at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), paid a visit to the university. During the visit, both parties engaged in a discussion and exchange regarding the development of exceptional engineers. Zhang Shimei, Deputy Secretary of the University's Party Committee, was also present.


On behalf of the university, Zhang Shimei extended a warm welcome to Zhu Xiumei and her delegation. During her address, she provided a concise overview of the university's notable practices and initiatives in reforming engineering master's and doctorate programs, as well as its specialized training of graduate students. She also shared insights into the university's efforts in nurturing exceptional engineers. Furthermore, she expressed the university's aspiration that this exchange, guided by MIIT, would further elevate the institution's capacity to serve the national strategy and contribute significantly to comprehensive, high-quality development by nurturing and supporting solid talent.