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The Fifth Meeting of the 3rd Council of the HEU Confucius Institute was Held

DATESeptember 26, 2023


On September 22nd, the fifth meeting of the third council of the Confucius Institute, a collaborative effort between HEU and South Ukrainian National University, named after K.D. Ushynsky, took place in the VIP conference room of the Qihang Activity Center. HEU President YAO Yu and President Krasnojon Andrey of South Ukrainian National University attended the meeting, with Vice President YU Zhiwen presiding over the proceedings.


YAO Yu, representing HEU, extended a warm welcome to the delegation from South Ukrainian National University, named after K.D. Ushynsky. He emphasized that over the past 11 years of operating the Confucius Institute, HEU and South Ukrainian National University have built a robust relationship characterized by mutual trust, assistance, and benefit. Cooperation in various aspects has demonstrated a stable and deepening trend. During this meeting, both parties would engage in in-depth discussions regarding their future cooperation vision. YAO Yu expressed his hope that the outcomes of these exchanges could be further promoted and implemented, ultimately translating into tangible collaboration.


KRASNOZHON ANDRII acknowledged the sincere cooperation, partnership, and teamwork between the two universities, which have enabled the Confucius Institute to operate smoothly and achieve significant development. He also outlined South Ukrainian National University's plans to conduct research cooperation with HEU, focusing on regional culture, economy, politics, science, linguistics, and other scientific and technological fields, all built upon the foundation of the Confucius Institute. He expressed optimism about the extensive prospects for deepening cooperation between the two institutions.


Together, YAO Yu and KRASNOZHON ANDRII signed the council document to formalize their collaboration.