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The 13th Science and Technology Innovation Carnival held at HEU

DATESeptember 26, 2023


On September 24th, the 13th HEU Science and Technology Innovation Carnival took place at Olekhov Square. The event featured 17 colleges, 8 distinct exhibition areas, and showcased over 100 student science and technology innovations and cutting-edge technological displays. The carnival garnered enthusiastic participation from people from all walks of life, as well as HEU's teachers and students, with a total visitor count exceeding 4,000.

The innovation and entrepreneurship student teams from various HEU colleges carefully selected the most outstanding and innovative achievements, each showcasing its unique disciplinary features. Notable participants included the "Xiaoping Technology Innovation Team," the "E-only" Robot Innovation Team, and the "Chuangyi" Innovation Team.

Furthermore, the exhibits featured impressive entries like balanced infantry robots, extended-range devices for unmanned underwater vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicle systems for marine cleaning, and cabled underwater operation robots. These displays vividly demonstrated HEU's multidimensional achievements in innovation and entrepreneurship in the fields of shipbuilding, marine technology, and nuclear technology.