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HEU Professor YU Zhiwen elected as the Director of the Technical Committee of Pervasive Computing, Chinese Computer Federation.

DATEOctober 8, 2023

Recently, the Technical Committee on Pervasive Computing, under the Chinese Computer Federation (CCF TCPC), convened a plenary meeting in Harbin. At this gathering, a new leadership team for the Technical Committee was elected, with Professor YU Zhiwen, Vice President of HEU, assuming the role of Director of CCF TCPC.


Established in 2005, CCF TCPC stands as one of the earliest academic organizations formed within the CCF. Its primary mission is to disseminate innovative concepts and advancements in the realm of ubiquitous computing. Additionally, it strives to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among professionals across the nation, facilitating the transformation of relevant achievements in academia, industry, and research, while also nurturing talent in the field.


Professor YU Zhiwen holds esteemed national recognition, having received the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and serving as the chief scientist of the National Key R&D Program. He also holds the position of executive director within CCF. His extensive research portfolio encompasses diverse areas such as ubiquitous computing, the Internet of Things, human-machine systems, and swarm intelligence computing.

Presently, Professor YU serves as the director of the National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Cloud Computing and Its Application Technology, the director of the Key Laboratory for Human-Machine Object Integration and Intelligent Computing under the Ministry of Education, and the director of the Key Laboratory for Intelligent Perception and Computing Technology under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Moreover, Professor YU has contributed significantly to the academic community, having served as the founding editor of CCFTPCI and as an editorial board member for internationally respected journals such as IEEETHMS, IEEE Communications Magazine, ACM IMWUT, and others.