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The inaugural meeting of the CAA Harbin Engineering University Student Branch coincides with the 100th "Innovation and Creation" academic forum of the College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering.

DATENovember 24, 2023

On November 14th, the inaugural meeting of the CAA Harbin Engineering University Student Branch coincided with the 100th "Innovation and Creation" academic forum of the College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering. The event took place at the university's Qihang Activity Center, and Harbin Engineering University was selected as one of the first student branches by the Chinese Association for Automation.


The conference, organized by the Chinese Association for Automation, had Harbin Engineering University as the host. Key figures present included CHEN Junlong, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Association for Automation, ZHANG Nan, Secretary-General of the Chinese Association for Automation, and ZHAO Yuxin, Assistant to HEU’s President and Dean of the College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering.


During his speech, CHEN Junlong encouraged association members to actively participate in research and applications in the field of automation. He expressed anticipation for significant progress in advancing automation disciplines and supporting technological endeavors through the Harbin Engineering University Student Branch of the Chinese Association for Automation.


In his speech, ZHAO Yuxin conveyed the university's commitment to leveraging its disciplinary strengths. The focus would be on frontiers and key areas, with continuous expansion of scientific research and talent development in the field of automation. The institution pledged to fully utilize the student branch's important role, actively engage in academic exchanges, promote the transformation of research results, and provide practical and developmental platforms for students in automation and related majors.

