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The first prize for the Ocean Engineering Science and Technology Award was secured by the accomplishments of HEU

DATEDecember 8, 2023

Recently, the award ceremony for the 2023 Ocean Engineering Science and Technology Award by the China Association of Oceanic Engineering took place in Shenzhen. HEU, serving as the primary completion unit, collaborated with Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd., CNOOC Research Institute Co., Ltd., and CNOOC Shenzhen Marine Engineering Technology Service Co., Ltd. Together, they conducted research and applied "Non-welding Connection Technology for Deep-sea Oil and Gas Pipelines," earning them the top prize in the Marine Engineering Science and Technology Award.

The non-welding connection of deep-sea oil and gas pipelines represents a critical technology in the realm of deep-sea oil and gas engineering and stands as one of the technical challenges impeding the development of deep-sea resources in China. Over a decade of collaborative efforts between HEU, Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd., and other entities has yielded a series of groundbreaking technological advancements. Despite challenging conditions such as intricate deep-sea environments, high pressure, and extremely low visibility, the team accomplished precise connections and established reliable metal high-pressure composite sealing between underwater production system equipment through the remote operation of underwater robots.

A non-welding rapid connection technology system for deep-sea oil and gas pipelines has been established. The clamp-type and compression-type non-welding connectors for deep-sea pipelines, developed by the team, have received certification from Det Norske Veritas and China Classification Society, respectively. These connector systems have been successfully applied in four equipment systems for development projects in the oil and gas fields of the South China Sea, contributing significantly to the extraction of 200 to 300 million cubic units of deep-sea natural gas.