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2024 Issue 1: Integration into the Global Maritime Scholars Exchange Network — How to Join IMarEST?

DATEMarch 13, 2024

To support the integration of faculty and students into the global academic community and facilitate their membership in IMarEST for access to cutting-edge scientific and technological information, HEU warmly welcomes Andrew Wong, the Asia-Pacific Regional Director of IMarEST, to deliver an online lecture. This session is specifically designed for faculty and students from the College of Shipbuilding Engineering, College of Power and Energy Engineering, College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering, and College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering.

Topic: How to Become a Member of IMarEST?

Contents: What we are? What we offer? How to join us?

Time: March 13th, 14:00

Speaker: Andrew Wong, Regional Director, Asia Pacific, IMarEST

How to attend: Scan the QR code below to register and obtain participation instructions.

All students and faculty members are welcome to attend.

International Office

March 5, 2024