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President SONG Yingdong Leads Delegation Visiting Russian Universities, Signing Cooperation Agreements

DATEMay 2, 2024

From April 18th to April 22nd, President SONG Yingdong led a delegation to Russia, participating in activities alongside Minister HUAI Jinping of the Ministry of Education. The visit included negotiations with Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University and Saint Petersburg National University of Information Technologies, Mechanics, and Optics, culminating in the signing of cooperation agreements. These agreements aim to deepen comprehensive cooperation between HEU and Russian universities in education, science, technology, and talent cultivation, while also strengthening and expanding HEU's global partnerships in support of the high-quality development of the "Belt and Road" initiative.

At Saint Petersburg National University of Information Technologies, Mechanics, and Optics, President SONG Yingdong and university President Mr. Vasilyev attended exchange activities, signing a cooperation agreement in the presence of Chinese Minister of Education HUAI Jinping and Russian Deputy Minister of Education Peterlova.

President SONG Yingdong engaged in talks with Mr. Vasilyev, praising the innovative initiatives in Sino-Russian educational cooperation and expressing the desire for further enrichment of talent cultivation and cooperation. Mr. Vasilyev, in turn, appreciated the cooperative achievements and expressed willingness to expand cooperation with HEU.

At Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University, President SONG Yingdong met with First Vice President Mr. Saykin, discussing the history of cooperation between the two universities and exploring ways to strengthen joint talent cultivation, student and faculty exchanges, and other forms of collaboration. Following the discussions, President SONG Yingdong and the delegation toured relevant laboratories and departments, including the Future Engineers Institute, and met with HEU students studying in Russia.