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The First China Computer Federation University Presidents' Forum was held at HEU

DATEJune 3, 2024

Recently, the inaugural CCF University Presidents Forum convened at Harbin Engineering University. Over 30 university presidents from across the nation engaged in profound discussions regarding the future trajectory of computer science. Topics encompassed innovative talent cultivation, frontier scientific research, international development strategies, interdisciplinary initiatives in "intelligence+", and strategies for advancing higher education.

GAO Yan, Secretary of the Party Committee of HEU, CHENG Shuang, Deputy Director of the Education Department of Heilongjiang Province, and TANG Weiqing, Secretary General of CCF, delivered successive speeches. They articulated Harbin Engineering University's commitment to meeting major national strategic imperatives such as "artificial intelligence, autonomous control, industrial software, network security, and digital governance". Leveraging its disciplinary strengths, particularly its interdisciplinary prowess in artificial intelligence, the university aims to catalyze the integrated development of education, technology, and talent in computer science. They urged experts and scholars to collaborate in charting the future trajectory of computer science, fostering a vital hub for talent and innovation in the field.

The forum featured dedicated sessions addressing various facets of computer science, including innovative talent cultivation, frontier scientific research, international development strategies, interdisciplinary initiatives in "intelligence+", and the role of computer science in enhancing higher education.