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The 47th HEU Track and Field Games were held

DATEMay 30, 2024

On May 25th, the 47th HEU Track and Field Games were held at the North Stadium. GAO Yan, secretary of the Party Committee, along with other leaders including YANG Desen, an academician of the CAE, and some retired leaders, attended the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was presided over by ZHANG Shimei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee.

Accompanied by the spirited Athlete March, 37 teams representing various academies, colleges, and faculty walked with vigor, passing through the podium for inspection one by one. They presented carefully prepared slogans and captivating performances tailored to the characteristics of their disciplines and majors. The colorful and innovative designs received enthusiastic applause from the audience, showcasing the spirit of both teachers and students.

Following the solemn flag-raising ceremony, ZHANG Shimei officially declared the 47th Track and Field Games of Harbin Engineering University open.

In his opening speech, GAO Yan expressed sincere respect and gratitude on behalf of the school to the teachers, students, and staff who have always supported the development of HEU's sports activities. He also highlighted a series of recent achievements and progress.

On the field, athletes bravely competed, vividly embodying the Olympic spirit of "higher, faster, stronger" with their sweat. Cheers resounded, and captivating cultural and sports performances were interspersed between the competitions.

The cheerleading routines were dynamic and energetic, featuring flower balls, while the large-scale sports dance performance was uniform and dynamic, capturing the vitality and beauty of youth. Martial arts and Tai Chi demonstrations showcased the unique charm of Chinese martial arts.

On the afternoon of the 25th, the 47th Sports Games concluded at the North Sports Stadium.