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Harbin Engineering University Hosts the 2024 International Innovation and Cooperation in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Alliance

DATEAugust 27, 2024

From August 23 to 25, 2024, the International Innovation and Cooperation in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Alliance (ICNAME2024) was held in Kazakhstan. The conference brought together over 300 experts and scholars from renowned universities, research institutions, and industry enterprises across more than 20 countries, including the UK, France, Italy, Portugal, Norway, and Malaysia. The event aimed to promote the transformation and application of innovative research outcomes in international shipbuilding and ocean engineering.

On the morning of August 23, several distinguished figures attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches, including President SONG Yingdong; Professor William Webster of the University of California, Berkeley, and Academician of the American Academy of Engineering; Professor YANG Desen of Harbin Engineering University, and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Mr. GUO Dacheng, Chairman of the China Shipbuilding Industry Association; Mr. NIE Yunling, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress; and Mr. XU Chunrong, Director of the Second Department of Equipment Industry at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

In his speech, SONG Yingdong highlighted that the International Innovation and Cooperation in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Alliance, initiated by Harbin Engineering University (HEU), aims to create a platform for global exchange and cooperation among leading universities, research institutions, and industry partners. The alliance fosters international collaboration in high-level scientific research, talent cultivation, achievement transformation, and resource sharing, continuously advancing technological innovation in shipbuilding and ocean engineering. He expressed hope that the conference would serve as a catalyst for participants to focus on industry development, showcase new technologies, share achievements, stimulate new ideas, form new competitive advantages, and inject fresh momentum into the industry, ultimately contributing to the creation of a global maritime community with a shared future.

Professor William Webster noted that while the ocean holds abundant resources, its development and utilization present significant challenges. Scientists and engineers worldwide have made considerable progress through innovative research, but new challenges continually emerge, necessitating enhanced international cooperation and exchange. He emphasized that ICNAME is a vital international organization for advancing new ocean technologies and expressed optimism that the alliance would accelerate technological development in the maritime and ocean fields, while also cultivating more experts to address future challenges.

Professor YANG Desen underscored the ongoing progress in global science and technology, noting that both emerging and traditional disciplines are flourishing with renewed vigor. He described ship and marine engineering as a perpetually evolving field and emphasized that despite facing multiple challenges, ICNAME has consistently expanded in recent years. He expressed hope that participating experts and scholars would engage in fruitful exchanges and cooperation, sparking new research inspirations and achieving greater innovation.

Professor XIA Guihua, Chairman of the inaugural ICNAME Council, presided over the opening ceremony.

The launch ceremony for the ICNAME Joint Industrial Project (JIP) was held during the meeting.

Keynote speeches were also delivered by Professor Carlos Guedes Soares from the University of Lisbon and Academician of the Portuguese Academy of Engineering; Researcher Šime Malenica, Deputy Director of the R&D Department at the French BV Classification Society; Professor CAI Chengtao, Dean of the College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering at Harbin Engineering University; Professor Otsuki Tomoaki from Keio University in Japan; and Professor Pietro Zunino from the University of Genoa in Italy.