A research team led by Professor WANG Gang from the National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Marine Vehicle Technology at the College of Shipbuilding Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, has recently published their groundbreaking findings on a maneuverable underwater vehicle for near-seabed observation in the prestigious international journal Nature Communications. This innovative vehicle overcomes a major limitation of traditional underwater vehicles, which often face disturbances from sediment when operating near the seafloor, enabling high-precision observations down to the centimeter level in seabed environments.

Underwater vehicles are essential tools for modern ocean exploration, playing a crucial role in applications such as marine resource detection. To address the challenge of balancing vehicle maneuverability with minimizing seafloor disturbance, the team focused on key design principles, developing novel configurations, environmental sensing technologies, and motion control methods. Their work offers new insights into improving underwater vehicle performance in challenging seabed conditions.

Launched in 2010, Nature Communications is a comprehensive scientific journal under the Nature brand, covering a wide range of academic disciplines. The journal publishes influential research across various fields and is highly regarded by scholars worldwide. It is also classified by the Chinese Academy of Sciences as a top-tier journal within Zone 1.
Paper Link:https://rdcu.be/d1EuP